Give Us A Call! 908-858-2206
198 North Avenue East, Cranford, NJ 07016

Mon – Fri 9:30am – 6pm Sat 11am – 3pm Sun by Appointment

Lice Is A 4 Letter Word In The Spring

Spring is here, but hopefully LICE aren’t. Head Lice tends to make a grand appearance in the spring. Spring sports begin and people socialize more. There is more head to head contact with picture taking and helmet sharing causing us to share those pesky critters.

Any parent who has dealt with head lice and nits knows how annoying this problem can be – and most parents with children attending schools or group settings are likely to encounter it at some point. The personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home or school has nothing to do with the spread of head lice, and it is uncommon, but not impossible for lice to spread by sharing clothing or belongings. At Lice Lifters we have seen enough cases of lice due to helmet sharing to know it is a problem.

There are more than 12 million infestations of lice every year in the United States. Head lice are resistant to traditional treatments – pesticides can no longer kill them. Lice Lifters has 13 locations around the country and all-natural lice treatment product. Find a treatment center near you. Lice Lifters of Cranford and the new Lice Lifters Mercer County are in your back yard.

Lice Lifters gets rid of those pesky critters in Once Quick Treatment. Done! 484-368-3383

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Contact Lice Lifters Today: 484-368-3383 - One Quick Treatment And Done!